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How to send an engine to us for rebuilding and upgrading:

This is how we want to receive an engine when it is shipped to us for rebuilding and upgrading...

Long Blocks (Complete engine): When you send us a long block for rebuilding we want to get it from Valve cover(s) to oil pan. Front cank pulley to clutch cover. Leave the water pump on it. Remove all the external brackets, mounts, alternators, pulleys, sensors, oil filter housings, etc. We don't need them and they are just likely to get broken or misplaced. DRAIN ALL THE FLUIDS OUT OF THE ENGINE !!! No Water or Oil must be left in the engine. If it leaks all over the truck they will charge a clean up fee. Wrap the engine up in plastic and lay it on its side on a wooden pallett. Strap it down with tie downs or have it lashed down by someone that does that sort of thing. Call us and we will send the cargo company for it. We will bill you for the shipping on your invoice. You don't need to pay the freight company when they pick it up

Short Blocks (lower end only. No cylinder head ): Same thing as the long block except nothing related to the cylinder head. Leave the timing cover and all related timing components attached or in a box with it.

Cylinder heads: Less valve cover but please leave them assembled if possible so that all the little pieces don't get lost in shipping. Heads can generally be shipped via UPS or the Post Office for minimal expense. Wrap the head up in old towels or an old blanket to protect it from the usual antics of the shipping people and put it in a double layer cardboard box so that the head cannot move around inside it. If it can move around it will break its way out eventually.