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E6GM GM Replacement Plug-In Computer

E6GM GM Replacement Plug-In Computer

E6GM GM Replacement Plug-In Computer

The Haltech E6GM is designed as a plug-in replacement for certain models of Delco computers used in General Motors and some other brand of cars. There is no need to install a wiring harness, sensors, relays etc, simply plug it in, connect a suitable personal computer, boot up the supplied software and presto, you have an instant programmable computer!

It is designed for installation where changes have been made to the engine but it is priced inexpensively enough so that some people considering performance chips for standard engine will pay the extra to get a fully programmable computer. As an alternative to a performance chip you get the following advantages -

* You can tune the engine in your car, not accept tuning of a generic model, which may not be the optimum for your particular car
* You have flexibility. Not happy yet with the result? Tune a little more until you get it right! The E6GM is re-programmable, so you should be able to get the best performance available.
* You have a spare computer. Plug in the original and you are mobile again in minutes.
* You can program many things not accessible by you with a chip, and in many cases not accessible by a chip programmer eg 3 ranges of enrichment for acceleration, cold start prime, warm-up enrichment, fuel delivery and ignition timing adjustment, temperature of air under the bonnet or after a turbo, voltage compensation, enable or disable fuel cut on deceleration, choose the ranges, set a rpm limit and choose rpm limit by fuel cut or ignition cut, enable or disable closed loop (feed-back from oxygen sensor) with many programmable features for closed loop, program the idle air control motor the way that you want, enable igniton cranking map, and enable zero throttle map (for wild cams). For very wild cams tune by throttle position!
* Modify the engine later? Simply plug in your PC and re-tune.
* Use the engine data page for diagnostics eg check pressure sensor readings, ensure that the input signal is stable etc.
* Use the data-log facility to check performance or use for diagnostics.
* Fit a turbo or supercharger? Change the MAP sensor, re-set the E6GM to suit, and re-tune, and away you go!

NB:The E6GM does not include wiring loom or sensors

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